International Law of Armed Conflicts


International Human Rights Law / International Humanitarian Law / International conflicts / Global War on Terror / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Military Commissions

Esteban Arratia, \"¿Existe un conflicto armado interno en México según el Derecho Internacional? Los Convenios de Ginebra y su aplicación a la Guerra contra el narcotráfico (2006-2012)\", Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional, Vol. 2, No. 1, (2016), pp. 21-42.

International Security / Security Studies / Organized Crime / Armed Conflict / Transnational Organized Crime / Mexico / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Mexico / International Law of Armed Conflicts

¿Existe un conflicto armado interno en México según el Derecho Internacional? Los Convenios de Ginebra y su aplicación a Guerra contra el narcotráfico (2006 2012)

Human Rights Law / International Criminal Law / Political Violence / Transnational Organized Crime / Law of Armed Conflict / Armed Forces / War on Drugs / Drug Trafficking / Criminal Insurgency / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Mexican War on Drugs / Armed Forces / War on Drugs / Drug Trafficking / Criminal Insurgency / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Mexican War on Drugs

Autonomía y heteronomía en la educación de suboficiales en las Fuerzas Armadas en Argentina actual. Una comparación con los casos de Brasil y Chile

Argentina / Chile / Civil-military relations / Brasil / Defense and National Security / Professional Military Education / Armed Forces and Society / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Military Education / Professional Military Education / Armed Forces and Society / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Military Education


International Relations / International conflicts / International Law of Armed Conflicts

Grupos armados desfragmentados: la relativización del DIH como régimen autónomo y la búsqueda de visiones alternativas (\"La guerra ante la fragmentación del derecho internacional\", Buis & Luterstein (eds.)), 2016

Law / Criminal Law / Comparative Law / Constitutional Law / International Relations / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Human Rights Law / International Law / Human Rights / International Criminal Law / International Security / Law and Society / Legal History / Political Science / Critical Legal Theory / Legal Theory / International Human Rights Law / Comparative Human Rights Law / Philosophy Of Law / Human Rights Education / Comparative Constitutional Law / Public International Law / International Humanitarian Law / Human Rights in Latin America / History of International Relations / Armed Conflict / Human Rights Theory / History of Human Rights / Legal Philosophy / Social and Political Theories of Justice & Human Rights / International Relations and Human Rights / Law of Armed Conflict / Armed Forces / Non-state actors / Derecho Administrativo / Ciencias Politicas / Derecho constitucional / Filosofia y Derechos Humanos en America Latina / Ciências Sociais / Non-international armed conflicts / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Relaciones Internacionales / Ciencias Sociales / Non State Armed Actors / DERECHO PENAL / Derecho / Derecho Penal Internacional / Historia del Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho / Derecho Procesal Civil / Histoire du droit / Ciencias Políticas / Droit / Droit Public / Droit International Public / Droit Constitutionnel / Derecho Internacional De Los Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Humanitario / Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict / Derecho penal y procesal penal / Armed Forces and Society / Derecho internacional Publico / Droit International / Armed Groups / Droit administratif / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Relations Internationales / Derecho Y Ciencias Politicas / Geneva Conventions / Facultad De Derecho / Human Rights and Social Justice / Sujetos Del Derecho Internacional Publico / International Relations Theory / International Studies / Human Rights Law / International Law / Human Rights / International Criminal Law / International Security / Law and Society / Legal History / Political Science / Critical Legal Theory / Legal Theory / International Human Rights Law / Comparative Human Rights Law / Philosophy Of Law / Human Rights Education / Comparative Constitutional Law / Public International Law / International Humanitarian Law / Human Rights in Latin America / History of International Relations / Armed Conflict / Human Rights Theory / History of Human Rights / Legal Philosophy / Social and Political Theories of Justice & Human Rights / International Relations and Human Rights / Law of Armed Conflict / Armed Forces / Non-state actors / Derecho Administrativo / Ciencias Politicas / Derecho constitucional / Filosofia y Derechos Humanos en America Latina / Ciências Sociais / Non-international armed conflicts / Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional / Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Privado / Relaciones Internacionales / Ciencias Sociales / Non State Armed Actors / DERECHO PENAL / Derecho / Derecho Penal Internacional / Historia del Derecho / Filosofía del Derecho / Derecho Procesal Civil / Histoire du droit / Ciencias Políticas / Droit / Droit Public / Droit International Public / Droit Constitutionnel / Derecho Internacional De Los Derechos Humanos / Derecho Internacional Humanitario / Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict / Derecho penal y procesal penal / Armed Forces and Society / Derecho internacional Publico / Droit International / Armed Groups / Droit administratif / International Law of Armed Conflicts / Relations Internationales / Derecho Y Ciencias Politicas / Geneva Conventions / Facultad De Derecho / Human Rights and Social Justice / Sujetos Del Derecho Internacional Publico
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